Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas with the Cicero's

Since I was born we have always celebrated Christmas Eve with my Dad's side of the family. This year we went to my Aunt Rebecca's new house in Alabaster. It is the one time of the year that we are all together as a fam. I wish we could get together more often but when we are all together we make the most of it and have a great time.

What a crew

Abby G came out of her shell a little bit

My parents with the grand kids. I love how Abby Grace is posing!

Tucker strikes a pose in his new spider man shirt

Christmas Eve would not be complete without horses and...

Four wheeler rides with Johnny

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas with the Fam


Sarah looks thrilled to have her picture taken

We got to Tuscaloosa last Thursday and celebrated Christmas and my Dad's birthday on Saturday. Jason and his family came down for the day and we exchanged gifts. The kids had a blast playing together and got lots of fun toys.

Santa Comes Early

Tucker woke up to see that Santa had come and left just crumbs and a little milk.

Tucker loves his new train table.

Jacob's 1st Christmas was a blast.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Part 1

Monday night we went to Beau and Kasey's to exchange gifts with them. Kasey made some yummy finger foods and I made a Paula Deen cheese ball. The kids got some great gifts and had such a fun time with Mary Raines and Brooks. Christmas has begun and I am finally in the spirit.

Sesame Street

The boys have been sick this past weekend but Tucker was feeling better by Sunday so after church Johnny took him to see Sesame Street. I was really jealous that me and Jacob couldn't go but I knew Tucker really wanted to go so they went with out us and had a ball.


A few weeks ago we took the boys to the National Zoo to see the "Zoolights". It wasn't that great but Tucker had fun and that's all that matters.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sunny Days to Snowy Days

Weren't we just swimming in the pool in Florida? I really hate cold weather but I do love when it snows.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Disney World

While in Florida for Thanksgiving we decided to go to Disney World. We went the Friday after Thanksgiving and yes you heard me right, the Friday after Thanksgiving. It was probably one of the busiest times of the year but who cares. We endured the long lines and people everywhere and had a ball. We got to the park around noon and stayed until 10 that night. Yes you heard me right 10 that night. All the kids got naps (even Tucker) so they were very manageable so we just stayed late. I was afraid Tucker might be too young to really enjoy it but he had a great time and even rode his first roller coaster. After he rode it he looked at Johnny and said "do it again"! It was really one of the best times we have had with the kids and look forward to many more Disney trips.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

9 month old cutie

Jacob just turned 9 months on November 21. I can't believe how the time has flown by. He had his check up today and he weighs 19 lbs and is 28 inches long. He is 50th percentile for his weight and height. He got all his shots today and handled it very well. We all went in with him to get our flu shots. I think I cried more than Tucker and Jacob. Just kidding!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving in Florida

This year for Thanksgiving we headed down south to Tampa Florida to see Johnny's family. We had such a wonderful time but I can honestly say its good to be home! My boys just don't sleep when we are away. Tucker does ok but Jacob really knows when he is not in his bed.

Thanksgiving day Papa John went to Orlando and picked up Papa and Nana Hinely and they came down to Tampa to spend the day with all of us. It was really nice to see them. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am so blessed to have such wonderful family in Florida and Alabama.