Wednesday, November 28, 2007

9 month old cutie

Jacob just turned 9 months on November 21. I can't believe how the time has flown by. He had his check up today and he weighs 19 lbs and is 28 inches long. He is 50th percentile for his weight and height. He got all his shots today and handled it very well. We all went in with him to get our flu shots. I think I cried more than Tucker and Jacob. Just kidding!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving in Florida

This year for Thanksgiving we headed down south to Tampa Florida to see Johnny's family. We had such a wonderful time but I can honestly say its good to be home! My boys just don't sleep when we are away. Tucker does ok but Jacob really knows when he is not in his bed.

Thanksgiving day Papa John went to Orlando and picked up Papa and Nana Hinely and they came down to Tampa to spend the day with all of us. It was really nice to see them. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am so blessed to have such wonderful family in Florida and Alabama.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

DaDa I am a big boy but I need my pacy

Those were the words coming from Tucker's room Monday night when we put him to bed. I knew we were going to have a hard time but maybe not as bad as it got. Tucker was really upset and finally we just put him in our bed to get him to calm down. He finally got to sleep and Johnny put him back in his crib around midnight. He woke up around 4 am and was really upset screaming "I need my pacy"! We just put back in our bed and he slept until almost 9. I guess for his nap it took me about 30 minutes to convince him to even go into his room to get in the bed. He was having a hard time but finally after promising him candy and ice cream if he would take a nap it finally worked. He took a nap on his own for almost 2 hours. I was really worried about putting him to bed last night but it wasn't that bad. He cried and I did put him in my bed and let him fall asleep next to me but when Johnny moved him to his bed he did wake up and was fine with sleeping in his room. It is 8:30 Wednesday morning and he is still asleep. I think we are going to be ok without the pacy.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bye Bye Pacy

Tonight Johnny was getting Tucker ready for bed. They were putting on his pajamas and Tucker was showing Johnny his new underwear that I had bought for him and made the comment that he was a big boy that wears underwear and that Jacob is a baby because he wears diapers. Johnny agreed with him and then said that babies have pacys and that he was still a baby since he sleeps with his pacy. Tucker told Johnny that he was not a baby and that he didn't need his pacy anymore. Johnny said well if you don't need it you need to get rid of it. Tucker said ok let me flush it down the potty. I am in the room listening to this foolish talk but don't really think Tucker will go thru with it. Tucker tells Johnny to do it but Johnny tells him he must do this on his own and only if he is sure about it. Tucker says I am a big boy and don't need my pacy anymore. He throws it in the potty and flushes it. I must admit that it broke my heart. I did shed a tear. As bad as I hate how dependant he became on the pacy I just wasn't ready for him to give it up. He is still my baby!!! I never imagined he would just let it go so easily. Tucker has really amazed me lately with his potty training and just how quickly he is learning new things. I love my boys so much and can't believe how fast they are growing up. I am sure Tucker will have pacy withdrawals and I will post how tonight goes and how his nap goes tomorrow. Bye Bye Pacy, May you rest in Peace.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sweet Home Alabama

This past weekend we went home for the Bama/LSU football game. We got into town Friday afternoon and made our normal stop to Midfield to see Grandma and Papa. I don't know what it is about the dancing flowers but every little kid that goes into their house loves that thing. Tucker had a ball playing with it and Jacob loved watching it too. One of the hardest parts about living so far away is being away from family and especially my grandparents. We had fun spending time with them and look forward to seeing them again for Christmas. Saturday Johnny and I went to the game around noon and met some old friends before the game. We tailgated and walked around the quad until time for the game. Mom and Dad kept the boys for us and even thou we lost we had the best time. Sunday we went to Birmingham and spent the entire day with Jason and his family. Jason had two amazing lessons and I feel so blessed that we got to hear him speak. Sunday night after church we went and stayed with Vycki. Even though we weren't there very long it was so nice to see her and spend time with her. Tucker loves his Nana very much and really had fun with her. We had a great time seeing everyone and can't until Christmas.

Happy Halloween

Finished Product

The night before Halloween

Return to Cox Farms

I guess it's been about 2 weeks ago but we took Beau and Kasey to Cox Farms. The kids had a blast! Tucker was really excited to show Mary Raines the cows and the slides and the fun hay ride. We had a blast and can't wait to go back next year.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Tucker is officially potty trained. It will be a week tomorrow that he has worn underwear and has not had an accident. I am really behind on blogging and when I get a few extra minutes I am going to get Halloween pics up and pics from our weekend in Bama.