Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Brooks

Last Saturday we celebrated Brooks 1st Birthday. Kasey had his party at a park in there neighborhood. The kids had a ball playing together.

Everyone was looking forward to having cake.

This is the gift we got Brooks. Jacob loved pushing him around.

I think Brooks wants to just be left alone.

This little guy is waiting for cake.

This was the best part of the night. I have never seen a baby boy love cake as much as this guy. He put a death grip on his piece of cake.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


The boys had there 3 yr and 15 month check-ups this week. Tucker weighed in at 32 lbs and 38 1/2 inches. Jacob weighed in at 22.9 lbs and was 31 inches. They are growing and healthy and sweet and I just love um so much.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Paradise Island, Bahamas

Last year Johnny won a sales award at work and it was for a free vacation. The award was for a free vacation anywhere and we decided to go to the Bahamas. Johnny's boss let us choose everything and wanted us to have our dream vacation. I had always heard about the Atlantis resort from the likes of Oprah and I knew it was somewhere I wanted to go. It was amazing!!!! Hands down the nicest place I have ever been. This post is only about the trip. I am going to give a special shout out to the "MOMS" that kept my kids on a later date. So, back to the trip. The Atlantis resort is unbelievable. Everything is completely over the top. The highlight of the trip for me was eating at Bobby Flay's restaurant. It was hands down the best meal I have ever had. Johnny and I needed this trip and we really enjoyed the time together. Oh, how could I forget, on the way to dinner one night we ran into Julia Roberts in the lobby. She said to say Hello to you all.

The resort has 5 or 6 different hotels and this is the one Julia and us stayed in.

This was the view of the marina from our balcony.

This was the view we had when we woke up every morning.

This is at the entrance to the casino at the Royal Towers.

This was down at the Marina village. I look pregnant in this picture but let me assure you that I am not.

This is the most famous part of the resort called Royal Towers.

Here we are getting ready to swim with dolphins. This was really fun. We got to swim underwater with a dolphin then we got to get close up pictures with it and hug and all that good stuff.

Here is one of the dolphins playing around in the lagoon.

This was our last night. In the Royal Towers they have an underground aquarium that was really neat. We had a really great time but missed our boys more than anything. It was good to be back home.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The National Cathedral

Two weeks ago we went downtown to the National Cathedral to have the boys pictures made. In the back of the cathedral is a beautiful garden where we had the photo shoot. It was so pretty and I can't wait to see the pics. I am still waiting on my photographer to get back with me with the proofs. I will post the link so if anyone wants to see them they can preview them.

I must say having a 3 year old and a 1 year old to pose for pictures was one of the most painful things to go thru. The boys did ok so hopefully she got some a few good shots of them and at least one good family photo.

After we finished the photo shoot we did our own tour of the cathedral. It was one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever been in. After we did our tour we went to Georgetown and had lunch and enjoyed just being outside and enjoying the nice weather.

This it the front of the National Cathedral.

This is a bishops cottage or something like that. I just loved the flowers on the tower. I know my Mom will know the name of these flowers. They look like grapes. So pretty!

Side view of the cathedral.

These inside pictures do not do it justice.

This is stone from Mt. Sinai.

This is what a photo shoot does to little boys!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day weekend

Friday officially kicked off Mother's Day. We started the day off by having breakfast at Panara then I went to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for a spa day. I must say it was completely over the top but I feel like I deserved it so I totally enjoyed it. After the spa I met up the boys and one sweet little girl and had lunch at Potbelly. After a late lunch we went back home and Kasey and I went for a girls night out. We went to see our favorite babysitter sing in a school function then we went out for a late dinner. It was really fun. Saturday we got two girls to watch all our kids at Kasey's house so we could go to a wedding shower for a couple from church. The shower was really nice but then we decided to go to a movie. It was a chick flick so I didn't feel guilty going to the movies without Johnny. We had the best time and the kids had a blast playing together all day. They all took naps except Tucker of course but he was fine and got a nap on the way home. Yesterday I woke up with sweet cards from my boys and beautiful flowers from the hubby. We went to church and then to our favorite restaurant for lunch. After lunch we came home and I spent the afternoon playing with my sweet boys and taking a nap with my main man. It was a wonderful weekend and I feel so blessed to be a Mother.

The best job in the world is taking care of these little guys!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jacob's first trip to the zoo

He slept the entire time!

This little guy would go to the zoo everyday if we would let him.

This would be my husband's favorite exhibit.

For those of you who don't know Johnny that well, when we were dating he had an iguana make that two iguanas. We we got engaged I told him that when I move in the iguanas had to move out. It was hard for him but he took me instead.