Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on Jacob

Jacob had his 18 month check-up last week but he is actually 19 months old but anyway he is doing great. He weighs 25lbs (45th percentile) and his height is 32 inches ( 45th percentile). The Doc said he was growing and doing great. He is in to everything and I mean everything. His favorite thing to do at the moment is pull a chair up to the silverware drawer and pull all the silverware out and then try to put it all back. You can imagine how well that goes. He is the sweetest little boy and I enjoy him and Tucker so much. I have so much to be thankful for.

I really should have wiped his nose for this photo!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We are home safe and sound from Bama. We had a great trip and got to see lots of friends and family. The first part of our trip was in Tuscaloosa with Mom and Dad. I haven't been home since Christmas so I was really excited about seeing Mom and Dad. The boys had so much fun playing outside and riding Dad's golf cart. We had so much fun just being home. I have been so homesick lately so I really needed this time with my parents. It was wonderful being with them . I just wish we could have stayed longer.

This is one of my best friends Heather. We have been BFF's since about 6th grade. I love her like a sister. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years so I was so excited that she was able to come down to see us for a few hours. We talk on the phone about once a week but being able to see her was so great. We have been thru so much together I can't imagine not having her in my life. We had a great day together and I can't wait to see her again in a few months.

The boys really enjoyed Grammy's and Pop's swing.

Tucker is always up for a photo.

Jacob had a blast playing outside.

We stayed in T-town for 2 nights then headed to Birmingham. We stopped by my grandparents house for a short visit. I love this picture so many reasons. First, I love that my kids get to spend time with there great-grandparents. I didn't know my great-grandparents so this really means a lot to me. 2nd, Jacob doesn't like many people but he went right to my grandfather. He sat in my Pawpaw's lap and let him read books to him almost the entire time we were there. When we got to there house we had a surprise visitor. My aunt Rebecca was there to see us. It was so nice to see family. Did I mention I have been really homesick?

After our visit with my grandparents we headed over to Jason and Amberly's house. The boys were so excited to play with all of Nate's toys. Jacob was really enjoying the light saber.

These little guys really had fun playing together.

Pop trying to get Tucker with the light saber.

Story time with Uncle Johnny.
These two were always up to no good. Um, I don't really think they were suppose to be playing on Jason's and Amberly's bed.