Friday, November 21, 2008

Tour of the Capital

We have a friend at church that is in the army but works at the Capital building. He had some free time on Monday and asked us if we wanted our own private tour of the Capital. He is switching positions in a few weeks and wouldn't have the time to give us a tour so we took him up on the offer. I must admit that I felt like I had been hit by a train but I really wanted to go and knew this was a once in a lifetime thing so we went and it was really fun. This was all on Monday and Tuesday morning when I went to the Dr. I have strep.

Here we are with our tour guide Ryan and his wife Melanie and her parents.

This is outside of her office. We didn't get to meet her which was fine with me.

This is the main area of the Capital building. Ryan is explaining all the paintings to us. This is the place where President Reagan laid in state after he passed away.

This is the top of the Capital building. So beautiful!

This is where Obama will be sworn in as our next president. They were just getting started on the construction of his podium. Change is a-comin'!

This is for Papa John!

Melanie and Ashton.

One of the many hallways of the Capital.

We got to go to Senator Sessions office but of course he wasn't in there.

Can you tell my throat is on fire? This is outside of Senator Sessions office. We had a really good time and as bad as I felt I am glad we went. The neatest thing we did was go through an underground tunnel that the Senators take to get from their offices to other parts of the building. Once we entered that area were not allowed to take pictures. We took a small train that took us to the Senate Chamber. This is the room that you see on TV where all the Senators are seating at these wooden desks and discussing very important things. We got to go in and see the room but the Senators had just taken a break. They have been in session this week discussing something about a car bailout.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Batman and Robin, A Little Disco Fever and a Burglar

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone had fun last night. We sure did as Tucker would say. The kids were so excited and really did have a blast. We loaded the kids up in the wagon and went to as many houses as possible. It was pretty chilly but the boys didn't seem to notice.

Batman and Robin.

Robin is ready to go.

Hippie chic, tarot card reader, disco anyone? Check out that scary burglar!

Super Hero's to the rescue!


It took Johnny 4 hours to carve these pumpkins!

I really love the lipstick!

Look at all that candy!