Monday, May 11, 2009

Good Good Times

Last weekend Jason and his family arrived in Northern VA. The elders at our church had asked him a few months ago to hold a weekend meeting for us and of course he told them yes. At first he was just going to come up by himself but instead the whole crew came and I can't tell you how happy I was that we were all going to be able to spend this time together. They got in Wednesday night and we started our tour Thursday morning. The entire weekend we were suppose to get rain so we thought we should do all the outside things on Thursday since it was not raining. We thought the best place to start would be the White House. Of course the day we pick to go with my brother and his family there is a protest in front of the White House and people are getting arrested.

So, the protest consisted of people over the age 60 dressed in orange jumpsuits yelling "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied". They were protesting about Guantanamo Bay. Um, yeah all I can say is why and who cares.

These were the protesters on the other side of the street that were not getting arrested. Notice the nice black bags they have over there heads.

Nice family shot in front of the Guantanamo Bay protest.
After the protest we headed out for some lunch then we went to the Washington Monument.
The kiddos had so much fun being together.
We then headed down to the WWII Memorial. This is one of my favs and I think Jason and Amberly really liked this one.

The kids had fun playing in the water and running all over the place. After the WWII memorial we headed to the Lincoln memorial and then to the Vietnam memorial. We saw everything outside in DC that we could possibly see. I don't know how far we walked but we were all dead by the time we got home.
Friday morning we got up and went to Arlington Cemetery. Who knew that you could get yelled at by one of the guards at the changing of the guards ceremony. After Arlington we went to the Thomas Jefferson memorial then headed home. We were all so tired and Jason had to get ready for the meeting at church. Saturday we headed back downtown to the Holocaust museum. Note to self: must have timed ticket to do tour. We did not get to see the main exhibit at the museum because we did not get a ticket. Moving on, we headed to the Air and Space museum. The kids were sorta interested but were tired and so we headed home. All in all I think they got to see everything they wanted to see. I think Sarah was disappointed in not seeing the ruby slippers or the hope diamond but they all seemed to have a great time.

We tried to get Jacob in the picture but he had other plans. The kids had so much fun being together. They all played so good together and really had a good time. It was so great for us all to be together. I think we all made great memories that I know I will cherish forever.
Jason did such a great job with his lessons at church. You can listen to them on our website. Check them out: