Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Last week we went to the pumpkin patch and the kids picked out a few different pumpkins to carve. Tucker got one for himself and we also purchased a carving kit for him to be able to carve his own pumpkin. He was super excited. He did really good and actually did most of it himself.

Everyone is getting in on the action.

Tucker picked out a "Bat" pattern for his pumpkin.

Hard at work.

Tristan enjoyed being outside.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cox Farm

The weather here the past week has been wet and cold and finally yesterday we had a perfect day. It was sunny and about 75 degrees. We decided it was time to go to Cox Farms. It was actually nice enough that we could all go and I really needed the fresh air and sunshine.

The good old barn slide. Jacob was a little scared to go by himself.

Johnny loves the castle slide!

Tristan was with us but slept in the stroller the entire time!

WOW, I know how she feels!

Here they come!

Good Times.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fire Station

Last weekend our local fire station had there yearly open house. The boys love going so as soon as Johnny got off work he took them to the festivities.

Nothing but trouble!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend we headed to our local pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkins for Halloween. The kids have been looking forward to this since the summer.

This little guy was getting into everything!

Tucker is getting too cool for pictures!

Time to go play.

That's a big pumpkin!

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Bath

Last night Tristan got his first bath! I guess being the 3rd child and all I didn't have to look for the baby bath tub so he went straight into the big bath tub. It started out pretty good but then it just went down hill. He liked it at first but then just screamed until I got him out.

Not so sure.

Ok, get me out of here.

All nice and clean.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We've survived the first two weeks!

Well, its been two weeks since little Tristan came into our world. We are all doing great and I am finally feeling back to normal. Yesterday I vacuumed and cleaned our bathroom. I hate to clean but I actually enjoyed doing the work.

Tristan is the love of my life! He is the best baby of all my babies. He has the sweetest personality and is already sleeping like a pro. I feed him and he just hangs out. Last night I put him down around midnight and he didn't wake up until 8 this morning. That is crazy. It is amazing what sleep does for you. I got up, fed the baby and took Tucker to school. Tristan had his 2 week Dr. appointment and he looked perfect. Here are the results from his appointment:

Weight: 9 pounds 4 ounces 55%
Length: 22 1/2 inches 75%

What a crew!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday with the boys.

Today I woke up feeling like a new woman. Tristan slept 5 hours straight before waking me to eat. He did keep me up from 5-7 but then went back to sleep until almost 11. My boys do like to sleep.
We had a good morning hanging out. Tucker had soccer until 10 then him, daddy and Papa John went and got us Krispy Kreme donuts. The boys got settled in and watched a movie and just enjoyed being together. Here are a few pics I took of them with Tristan. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Roll Tide Roll!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

James Tristan Hinely

Well, I am back with a new little addition to our family. James Tristan Hinely was born September 23, 2009. Everyone is adjusting and doing great.

He has a good set of lungs!

He was a big boy! 9 pounds 3 ounces 22 inches.

My sweet boys.

Sweet little Tristan!

Tucker wanted a baby sister but as soon as he saw Tristan he said "He is so cute". He loves him so much and wants to hold him all the time.

I was so worried about Jacob's reaction to a new baby but he has done great. He calls him my baby and wants to hold him all the time.
My life right now feels like a circus or maybe a funny farm but we are all adjusting and taking one day at a time. I wake up and just pray to get through the day. I am actually doing great and just try to laugh as much as possible. Laughing really is one of God's greatest gifts.