Friday, April 30, 2010

Let's Party!!

We decided to have Tucker's party on a Saturday afternoon so that more people could come. That morning I had so much to do around the house and Tucker had a soccer game. He scored 2 goals and was sooo excited. He is really starting to enjoy practicing and going to games.

After the game was over we got home and had less than an hour before the party was to begin. The boys were so excited to see the moon bounce in the backyard.

This year they had a slide and a basketball goal inside to play with.

Two very excited boys!

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Jacob and his best friend Ashton. These two are always up to something.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tucker's Birthday Boat Ride.

It's hard to believe that Tucker is 5 years old! His birthday was on a weekday so we decided to do a family day with him then have his party on the weekend. While mom was here we saw an ad for a boat ride to see the cherry blossoms. We thought that would be so fun for the boys and I knew we would enjoy seeing the cherry blossoms and the monuments from the water. We picked up Tucker from school then headed down to Georgetown to board the ship.

As soon as we boarded they had drinks and snacks for sale. Most of the kids on the boat were getting drinks. Of course my kids wanted something and of course we had no cash. So for the rest of the 45 minute boat ride all Tucker was concerned with was that he was so thirsty and that why don't I have any money.

S0 the name of the boat ride was "See the cherry blossoms by water". This is the only tree we saw.

Lincoln Memorial

Fake Smile! He is still mad about not having a drink.

Watergate Hotel.

Kennedy Center.

Even if my kids nearly died of thirst and starvation we did have a fun day and enjoyed the boat ride.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I turn my back for one minute....

Easter 2010

Happy Belated Easter! We had a very nice Easter this year. We went to church then had brunch with some good friends from church. The kids hunted eggs with the neighbors and I took a nap. It was a good day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

National Harbour

At the end of March my Mom came to visit for almost a week. I can't tell you how much I needed her visit. We had soo many fun things planned when she got here.

We went to the Natural History Museum, the zoo, and while Johnny took the boys to the circus we went shopping in Old Town. After the boys got done with the circus we met up with them at the National Harbour. We love this place and I knew Mom would too. We walked around and let the boys play down by the water. We had dinner at my favorite, Rosa Mexicana then went to Cake Love for cupcakes. It was a great week that went by tooo fast.

Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

Jacob turned 3 on February 21. We had a very fun day with lots of friends from church and a few of our neighbors joined us. Jacob decided he wanted a Thomas the Train party and so that's what he got. He was very happy that he got a train on his cake.
Jacob is completely potty trained and doesn't even wear pull ups to bed. He was almost potty trained when we went to Florida but after we got back he just got it. He gets himself dressed almost all the time and can brush his own teeth. He is such a big boy!!!

Tristan is ready for cereal.

It's hard to believe that Tristan is old enough to be sitting in a highchair eating baby food! I think the boys were more excited about it than anyone.

Not so sure.

OK, get me out of here!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I guess you heard we got a lot of snow?

Great Falls

We had nice day back in February and we decided to take the kids to Great Falls Park. We walked around and had a picnic.

Visit to Florida

Right after Christmas we headed to sunny Florida to see Nana and Papa Hinely. We were so excited because we were going to see Brooks and Mary Raines!! We spent two fun days with Nana and Papa then we did some fun things around Orlando.

We went to the Orlando Zoo where the kids got to do a really cool zip line. They really had fun doing that.

Jacob had lots of fun on the carousel.

We got to feed the elephants!!

Brooks and Jacob were always up to no good!!

Let's try this again...

Well, I am the worst blogger but I am a little busy these days! I am going to try and keep this updated at least once a month if I can. We have pretty busy since my post.