Friday, June 15, 2007

Big Boats, Feed Ducks

Johnny and Beau left early this morning to go to the U.S. Open so instead of staying home and being bored to death Kasey and I decided we would venture out with all 4 kids and go to Old Town Alexandria. The Nana is in town so we did have some extra help with the kiddos. I told Tucker this morning that we were going to Old Town and the only thing he knows about Old Town is that there are "Big Boats and Feed Ducks". For those of you who don't know anything about Old Town it is this cute little area right on the Potomac River that has really neat shops and great resturants. All I am going to say is that it took us 2 hours to go to Ann Taylor Loft (I nursed in one dressing room, Kasey in another) and get lunch. Just going to one shop with 4 kids was enough for me. After we had lunch we took the kids down to the water to see the big boats and feed the ducks which actually are geese. I don't think Tucker knows the difference or even cares. Tucker and Mary Raines had a blast! It was the perfect day to be outside. The kids had a great time with The Nana and we are so glad she was in town to help us. Happy Birthday Nana!! After Old Town we parted ways for a few hours and then went to Kasey's for BBQ. After dinner the kids played outside with The Nana and then we came home. It was a really fun time but we really miss Johnny and look forward to seeing him late tonight.


Holly Dodd said...

Cute pictures. Looks like you had a fun day!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Tucker and Mary Raines are so cute together!