Saturday, August 4, 2007

Inner Harbor and Baltimore Aquarium

After we got the flat tire changed we headed up to Baltimore and went to the Inner Harbor and the Aquarium. I just got this wonderful Phil and Teds double stroller and we have the kids all strapped in and ready to go and we get inside the aquarium and they tell us oh the stroller check is to the right! WHAT? No Strollers Allowed?? Johnny then says, "What are we suppose to do with him"? He is referring to the 5 month old baby that cannot walk yet. The man tells us we can get a baby carrier for him. Yeah right, like I am going to put my baby in a carrier that thousands of people have used. After they told me they wash and spray them I gave in and put Jacob in it along with his Alabama burp cloth to protect him from all the nasty germs that were on that carrier. I was really mad but got over it and we ended up having a great time. Tucker loved all the fish especially when he saw Nemo. After the aquarium we walked around the Inner Harbor and Johnny decided to take Tucker out in a dragon boat. They had a blast. Tucker really loved it. Jacob wasn't allowed to go so we just watched and took pictures. After that we had dinner at a really nice seafood restaurant then headed home. All in all it was a good day.


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!


Holly Dodd said...

I love these pictures. What a fun day!

Janie said...

Iluv your post. The pics are wonderful. I look forward to seeing yall soon.
Love you lots

Aunt Janie

Anonymous said...

What a sweet family! You look so happy. Love you, Laura