Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hungry Girl For Dinner

Mary Raines came over last week for dinner and boy was she hungry. She started out with chicken and rice then lima beans which she loves and then corn on the cob. She loved the corn so much that she stole Tucker's. They did not get along during dinner but afterwards played very good together and Tucker was really sad when she had to go home.

Go Cart

We got Tucker this battery powered go cart a few months ago and he really loves riding around in it. He decided he would let Jacob try it out. Since Jacob can't push the button to make it go Tucker just pushed him around in it. Jacob didn't seem to mind.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This little guy

This little guy just got his two bottom teeth, has started sitting up on his own and is crawling.

Johnny's Birthday

Last Friday was Johnny's 34th birthday so we decided to do something fun for the whole fam. On Thursday we went to the zoo. Tucker had so much fun. We have been to the zoo a few times and this was the first time the petting zoo was open. Tucker got to brush and pet the goats and donkeys. He loved it so much that we are going back sometime this week. On Johnny's birthday we went and played putt-putt golf. Tucker had his own putter and ball. He really did a good job. We had a really fun day and after golf we dropped the kids off with my neighbor and went to a movie. We had a great day with the boys and a fun night just the two of us.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Little Construction Worker

Who knew Jacob would like Tucker's dump truck as much as Tucker does. I guess this is what life is going to be like with two little boys. Tucker had the best time pushing Jacob around.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Glad to be home

These little guys had fun but boy are they glad to be home!


Monday we left T-town and went to see Nana. Tucker was really looking forward to seeing her and the cats that she has in her garage. Monday night all the Thomas's came over to visit and have dinner with us. We had the most delicious meal and then we had homemade ice-cream with fresh peaches that Uncle Dale had picked up in Clanton. It was so good and we had so much fun seeing everyone. Tucker was the life of the party. He loved playing with his cousin Heather. Heather had been up here before with Vycki so Tucker remembered how much fun she was to play with. We really had a great time and hated we only got to stay with Nana for one night.

Grammy and Pop's

Thursday we flew down to Alabama to spend the weekend with my parents. Amberly picked us up from the airport then we headed to Midfield to visit with Grandma and Papa. We really enjoyed seeing them. They had never met Jacob so this was an extra special visit. Aunt Janie and Betty came by and that was a lot of fun getting to see them. We then headed down to Tuscaloosa to spend a few days with Mom and Dad. Tucker was so excited about getting to Grammy and Pops. He had the best time playing with his cousins Sarah, Nathan and Abby Grace. They rode Pops golf cart, went down to the lake and threw rocks and played baseball. They had a blast!!! Tucker was really sad to see them go. After they left we went and saw Holly and Emma. Tucker really had fun playing with all of Emma's toys. We had a lot of fun visiting all our friends and family in Tuscaloosa.