Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Johnny's Birthday

Last Friday was Johnny's 34th birthday so we decided to do something fun for the whole fam. On Thursday we went to the zoo. Tucker had so much fun. We have been to the zoo a few times and this was the first time the petting zoo was open. Tucker got to brush and pet the goats and donkeys. He loved it so much that we are going back sometime this week. On Johnny's birthday we went and played putt-putt golf. Tucker had his own putter and ball. He really did a good job. We had a really fun day and after golf we dropped the kids off with my neighbor and went to a movie. We had a great day with the boys and a fun night just the two of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun - especially Tucker. Tell Johnny happy late b-day for me. ~L