Wednesday, November 14, 2007

DaDa I am a big boy but I need my pacy

Those were the words coming from Tucker's room Monday night when we put him to bed. I knew we were going to have a hard time but maybe not as bad as it got. Tucker was really upset and finally we just put him in our bed to get him to calm down. He finally got to sleep and Johnny put him back in his crib around midnight. He woke up around 4 am and was really upset screaming "I need my pacy"! We just put back in our bed and he slept until almost 9. I guess for his nap it took me about 30 minutes to convince him to even go into his room to get in the bed. He was having a hard time but finally after promising him candy and ice cream if he would take a nap it finally worked. He took a nap on his own for almost 2 hours. I was really worried about putting him to bed last night but it wasn't that bad. He cried and I did put him in my bed and let him fall asleep next to me but when Johnny moved him to his bed he did wake up and was fine with sleeping in his room. It is 8:30 Wednesday morning and he is still asleep. I think we are going to be ok without the pacy.


Amberly said...

This too shall pass! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. My heart goes out to little Tucker (and mom and dad). Keep us posted. We love you all.
Pam and Kenny

Anonymous said...

Pam told me about this Wednesday night at church before I had a chance to read it here. It breaks my heart, too.
Love, Nana Angel