Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Pope is what???

Yesterday we decided to go into the city and walk around, just enjoy the day. We get into town and the traffic is out of control. Johnny decides to let us out so he can go find a parking spot. I get out of the car in the middle of DC traffic with 2 boys and start heading towards the monuments. I start walking and I am puzzled as to why there are so many people in town. I continue to walk and all of a sudden I see thousands and thousands of people behind barricades. I turn down another street and I see the same thing. Oh know, what is going on?? I am trapped! Then I hear someone say the Pope is in town! The Pope is what?? I don't guess I got the memo that the Pope was in Washington DC yesterday. Here I am with these 2 boys walking around with all these Catholic people trying to get a glimpse of the Pontiff. I almost felt Catholic for a second and I mean just a second. If it couldn't get any more out of control I find myself in the middle of a mariachi band playing guitars and drums singing Hallelujah holding up a banner for the Iglesia Immaculda de Maria something something from Dallas TX. I just keep walking and finally find a rode that is not barricaded and I make it out sadly not getting to see the pope. We met up with Johnny near the WWII memorial and had a picnic then we played ball with the boys and taught them both how to fly a kite. It was a good day!!

The white house hours before the pope is going to be there. This is where I got stuck with the mariachi band. They were actually pretty good.

This little guy was glad to be in a more quite place.

Spring is finally here!!

Jacob loved playing with the flowers.

Jacob flying his first kite!

Tucker is a pro.

Can't beat a Spiderman kite!


grammy said...

This is so neat. Can't believe you were Catholic for a moment. Miss you all give kids hugs and kisses. Love Grammy

Anonymous said...

Some story!!But it looks like the guys had a good time after all was said and done. When you make post like this, it makes me think of when I use to tke Johnny and Beau. Great pictures. Love PaPa John

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's hilarious. I love mariachi bands. Looks like the weather is beautiful there and I love those tulips. The boys just keep getting cuter! ~L

Anonymous said...

Make that buttercups! ~L

POP said...

Great pics Jill! Great story Grammy and I got big kick out of it. Guess I would have been doing Hail Marys.(joke) I know (bad one,sorry)

Need more post, I'm sure John agrees. So get up off your bottom girl!

Love You all!