Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day weekend

Friday officially kicked off Mother's Day. We started the day off by having breakfast at Panara then I went to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for a spa day. I must say it was completely over the top but I feel like I deserved it so I totally enjoyed it. After the spa I met up the boys and one sweet little girl and had lunch at Potbelly. After a late lunch we went back home and Kasey and I went for a girls night out. We went to see our favorite babysitter sing in a school function then we went out for a late dinner. It was really fun. Saturday we got two girls to watch all our kids at Kasey's house so we could go to a wedding shower for a couple from church. The shower was really nice but then we decided to go to a movie. It was a chick flick so I didn't feel guilty going to the movies without Johnny. We had the best time and the kids had a blast playing together all day. They all took naps except Tucker of course but he was fine and got a nap on the way home. Yesterday I woke up with sweet cards from my boys and beautiful flowers from the hubby. We went to church and then to our favorite restaurant for lunch. After lunch we came home and I spent the afternoon playing with my sweet boys and taking a nap with my main man. It was a wonderful weekend and I feel so blessed to be a Mother.

The best job in the world is taking care of these little guys!


grammy said...

Good for you! Glad you had a good day. the boys are so cute. Jacob's hair! Love Grammy

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!! ~L

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day again. Enjoyed being with you and the guys. The pictures are great.Love PaPa John