Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome to Amishville, USA

Like I said we had no idea what we were getting into on our "Day Out With Thomas". We turned off the main road and we were in a town with the one of the largest Amish groups in the United States. I was super excited! When I was younger I went with my family to see the Amish in Tennessee and loved it. I was excited for Thomas but I wanted to hurry that up and get back to seeing the Amish. We had to go to the train station first but then I wanted to spend the rest of the day exploring the Amish village. Turns out we stayed at the train station until almost 5 and the kids were exhausted. We decided to let them sleep and we would just drive around and check out the town.

For those of you who don't know this is the town were the school shootings took place about 2 years ago. A non-Amish man who delivered milk to the Amish went in to an all girls school and killed these little girls and then took his own life. I didn't realize this was the town until we got home and I googled "Amish".

I didn't get the memo beforehand that the Amish do NOT like to have their picture taken. I kept telling Johnny that they were not that photogenic. Apparently they think it is a graven image and that it steals their soul or something like that. I felt like the paparazzi.

This was some kind of museum like thing that you could walk around and get info about the Amish. We didn't get to stop because 2 little guys were passed out. I was sad.

Here we go, first of many buggies.

We are on his trail. He turns around to check us out but does not smile or wave.

We caught up with him but he just ignores us.

He turns into his home and when he realizes I am taking pictures he never turned back around. These people had the most beautiful homes. It is obviously something they are very proud of and take really good care of.

As were are driving around I notice this little boy who is actually playing with a little wagon. We pull over because I just couldn't stand not getting a picture of him. He was just so innocent and intriguing. When we pulled over he stopped playing and actually waved at us. Johnny asked if we could take his picture and he started screaming "Please Not, Please Not". I felt really bad but I couldn't leave without a picture of him. Remember I didn't get the memo that they don't like having their picture taken. Here we have been at a Thomas the train event all day in this little boy's town and he has no idea who Thomas the Train is. This culture is so mind blowing to me. I can't wait to go back.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Day Out With Thomas

Yesterday we drove to Strasburg, PA so the boys could have "A Day Out With Thomas". We could have done this in Baltimore but the tickets sold out so quick that the next closest event was in Strasburg, PA. I didn't mind the drive because I knew it would be worth it and it was a part of PA that we have never been to.

When we decided to get the tickets all we did was look on the map to see if Strasburg was in driving distance with two kids. I knew nothing about the town or the people that live there. As we are approaching the town of Strasburg I start to get the feeling that we aren't in Kansas anymore. We knew we were in Amishville USA! New post coming Monday. Stay Tuned!!!

Here comes Thomas!

All Aboard!!

You can tell he loved this.

Here we are on board of Thomas.

This little guy never knows what is going on. He was a good sport and really had fun.

This is a view from the train. This event was set up like a county fair. They had tents set up with yummy food, funnel cakes, and homemade lemonade. Of course we ate a Philly cheese steak which was the greatest sandwich I have ever put in my mouth.

They had all kinds of activities for the kids and Tucker really loved this one.

I had to get a pick of Jacob with his hat on because he only had it on for about 30 seconds.

In one tent they had about 4 different train table set up for the kids to try out. It sounds like a good idea but the kids did not want to share the trains so we moved on to better things.

This was my favorite part, a Thomas Train made out of Lego's.

The best way to end a wonderful day.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

M.O.P.S. Playdate

Yesterday we went with Aunt Kasey to her last MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) play date. The main activities were held inside a gym that had a moon bounce and a large area for the kids to ride their bikes. Our kids played inside for about 30 minutes but got hungry and were ready to go outside for lunch and play on the play set. The kids had so much fun just being together and being outside. We have had extremely nice weather this week and the kids have been so happy to play outside.

This is the moon bounce. Tucker wasn't really into it. I guess he got enough of it since we had one in our backyard for a week.

This little guy never stopped smiling.

I am glad they are starting to bond.

Mary Raines had fun hanging with the boys!

Like I said, never stopped smiling.

Check out those skills!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Spirit of Mount Vernon

Last week we went to Mount Vernon and did a boat tour. We have been waiting all year to do this and we were finally able to go. We boarded "The Spirit of Mount Vernon" and headed out on the Potomac for our adventure. We went about 10 miles up the Potomac and got to see the mansion and all the land that George Washington owned. We hung out on the top deck then on the way back we had lunch. It was a really fun day.

The Spirit of Mount Vernon.

The boys loved hanging out on the top deck.

Jacob has learned a new trick!

Mom, it's too bright for pictures!

Mount Vernon.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Good Times

I love how we have way toooo many toys and they prefer to play in an empty box for hours. Good Times!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fresh Strawberries

One of our elders at church as a small garden with fresh strawberries. Every summer he invites us over to pick some and we have been going for 3 years now. Tucker really loved it last year so I knew this year would be even better. The boys had a great time and Jacob was really into it. When I went to check on him he was eating the entire strawberry stem and all.

Here let me help with you with the stem.

Tucker looks like he is posing for a strawberry ad. He is always up for a photo shoot.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Reston Petting Zoo

It's that time of year again. If you have been reading my blog from the beginning then you will remember this place from last summer. This past Friday we took the boys to the Reston Petting Zoo. Tucker remebered it from last year and was sooo excited. Jacob liked looking at the animals but wasn't really into feeding or touching them. It was a really fun day and after the zoo we went and picked fresh strawberries. I will save those pics for a later post. Happy Summer!

My little monkeys!

This was Tucker's favorite part of the day.

He loves horses! He tells me that he is a horsey boy.

Jacob wasn't really into feeding the goats.

He sorta likes it.

Here we are on the wagon ride. This bull came right up to us and we got to pet him and feed him some food.

Jacob was really in shock all day.