Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on Jacob

Jacob had his 18 month check-up last week but he is actually 19 months old but anyway he is doing great. He weighs 25lbs (45th percentile) and his height is 32 inches ( 45th percentile). The Doc said he was growing and doing great. He is in to everything and I mean everything. His favorite thing to do at the moment is pull a chair up to the silverware drawer and pull all the silverware out and then try to put it all back. You can imagine how well that goes. He is the sweetest little boy and I enjoy him and Tucker so much. I have so much to be thankful for.

I really should have wiped his nose for this photo!


Anonymous said...

He is such a doll! ~L

Anonymous said...


He's getting so big! Hurry home so we can get us some neck sugar!!!!

Aunt B