Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving 08

This year we went to Maggie Valley, NC for Thanksgiving. Papa John has a very cozy cabin for us to stay at and we really love it. We arrived late Tuesday night and got home really late Sunday night. The ladies had lots to do on Thurday morning so all the men got the kids out of the house so we could prepare the food.

Papa John took the kids to the lake to feed all the ducks. They loved it!

Time to eat! Jacob and Brooks were still napping.

Check out his muscle!

If one boy gets naked they all have to join in.


These two were always into something.

The kids had fun playing with Uncle Beau.

After the excitement of Thanksgiving died down we decided to drive over to Cherokee NC to see the Indians. The boys didn't know what to think.
Check out these bears. We went to a "petting zoo" in Cherokee and look how close we got to the bears. We didn't get to pet them but we got to feed them apples and bread.

We got really close to the tigers which Jacob loves!

Highlight of the trip: Saturday morning the boys woke up and went upstairs by themselves. I thought Papa John was awake so no worries I am going to snooze for a few minutes. I finally got up about 20 mins later and here comes Jacob with my bottle of Tums and about 6-7 pieces in his mouth. His pj's are covered in tum drool. I start to panic. I grab the bottle and pour out the remaining tums and count them to see how many they have had. I knew the exact amount since I just bought them and had only taken 3. Between both of my boys they had eaten 46 tums. I call poison control and the nice lady tells me that they could have eaten the entire bottle and would have been fine. WOW! She said they might have an upset stomach but that's it. Around 5 that night Jacob threw up but besides that they were fine. Needless to say John was not up yet and my boys enjoyed a breakfest of Tums. Tucker told me he only had 4 or 6 tums. Never a dull moment!


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! Cute post. Looks like y'all had a great trip. Love you ~L

Jenn Cav said...

OH MY GOODNESS! 46? HA! Glad they were OK! Makes me wonder how powerful Tums really are?!

Anonymous said...

Had a great time and I Love all the pictures. Love Papa John