Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monster Jam

Last Friday night we took the boys to the Monster Jam truck show down in D.C. They were both so excited! We watch these shows on TV so they were excited to see the trucks in person. I have to admit that I was kinda excited.

Jacob did not move all night.

Meet Madusa, a female driver. I wonder if I could learn to drive one of these trucks?

Gravedigger and Superman.

Of course Gravedigger wins.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Trip to the dentist

Tucker had his first dental appointment last week and did great. I noticed this dark spot on his front tooth and of course I thought the worst. I figured it was tooth decay or a cavity so we made him an appointment right away to get it checked out. The doc said it was caused by some kind of trauma. He must have hit it on something and it caused the dark spot. He got X-RAYS and his teeth cleaned. He did great and everything looked perfect.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas in North Carolina

After our trip to the aquarium we headed to Maggie Valley, NC to celebrate Christmas with Papa John and Granny Lou. Tucker was so excited because Katie (Jane Lou's daughter) and her kids were there and Tucker loves being with Blaine and Kameryn. When he went and stayed with Papa John in FL last year Blaine and Kameryn were there with him and they had so much fun together. As soon we got to the cabin Tucker was so excited and played with them non stop.

Jacob, Kameryn, Blaine and Tucker.

This is Victoria Grace. Isn't she beautiful!! This is first time we have got to see her and I fell in love with her instantly. She was the sweetest baby.

Jacob is always ready to play with daddy.

No trip to Maggie Valley is complete without going to Tube World. We had the best time and yes that is Tucker going down the mountain by himself. I was so afraid that he wouldn't do it but got in and down he went.

Jacob even joined in on the fun.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Georgia Aquarium

After our wonderful trip to Alabama we headed to North Carolina to see Papa John and Granny Lou. On the way we decided to make a pit stop in Atlanta and take the boys to the Georgia Aquarium. We have been to a few different aquariums but this was the best one by far. We had a wonderful time and the boys just loved it.

Jacob was very excited to see the stingrays. We got to pet them and some baby sharks.

Tucker on the other hand was terrified of the stingrays. I can honestly say this is the first time he has ever been afraid of something. He had good reason, he misunderstood the announcer say if you pet them they will bite off your fingers. He really said when you pet them us your two fingers.

Good Times.
Inside the fish tunnel. I felt like I was in the scene from Jaws 3. If you have seen it you know what I mean.

The beluga whale exhibit. This was the boys favorite.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas in Dixie (part 2)

Christmas morning we woke up at Nana's and the boys went right down to help her make her yummy yeast rolls. Tucker remembered helping her last year and was very excited about doing it this year. Jacob actually got involved but Tucker really helped her. Tucker really loves spending time with Nana and pretty much became her shadow the entire time we were with her. After breakfast we headed over to Nana and Papa Thomas house for a fun filled day of eating and opening gifts and eating and more eating. Man do those Thomas woman know how to cook.

The boys really enjoyed their time with Nana.

The Hinelys.

Tucker and Jacob had so much playing with Uncle Dale. After lunch Dale took the boys to the playground. He was so sweet to them and they really had fun playing with him. Jacob really warmed up to him and pretty much hung with him the entire day.

Tucker and Jacob got lots of Veggie Tale stuff. We were very excited because we don't have anything Veggie tale.

Jacob and Heather had fun playing together. We love cousin Heather. She is coming to visit sometime in February. We can't wait!

This year instead of buying gifts for each other we did homemade gifts. We got lots of homemade goodies. I can't even tell you how good Kenny's caramel popcorn was. I think we ate in about 2 seconds. Everything we got was soo good. Since Heath isn't really into cooking goodies he made Nana this really neat tin man. I guess you call a tin man. He used all kinds of different aluminum cans and then painted them her favorite color pink. Very original and very cute.

The Thomas Family Christmas!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas in Dixie (part 1)

This year we headed to Bama for Christmas. We drove this year and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The kids did better than I did. We celebrated my Dad's birthday and had our Christmas with Jason and his family on the 22nd. The kids loved being together. They had so much fun playing and just being together.

I don't know how they did it but they all ended up in Jacobs' pack n play. Jacob actually looks comfortable.

Sarah and Tucker had fun opening gifts and playing together.

On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Rebecca's house. We had yummy food and then played our dirty Santa game. Jason really had the holiday spirit.

My beautiful niece Sarah. I love this girl so much.

Jacob loves his Uncle Jason.


Me and the girls!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas in Virginia

This year we celebrated Christmas on December 19. Santa comes early around these parts. Good thing the boys have no clue. Tucker woke up to find that he had gotten everything that he had asked for. The boys were so excited and I must admit I was very excited. I love this time of year and it was so much fun this year to see the boys so happy and excited. After we opened gifts I made a huge pancake breakfast and then the boys got to play with their toys for a few hours before heading to Bama.

Tucker got a "Diego" bike. He is still learning how to ride it but he is catching on very quick.

Jacob got what he loves most, Monster trucks!

This is his favorite. Its name is "Gravedigger".

Fighting over toys!

Batman and the joker.

A Hot wheels race track

We saved the best for last, Cadillac Escalade. They were so excited. This thing is so cool because they can both ride in it.

Jacob can almost reach the pedal.