Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas in North Carolina

After our trip to the aquarium we headed to Maggie Valley, NC to celebrate Christmas with Papa John and Granny Lou. Tucker was so excited because Katie (Jane Lou's daughter) and her kids were there and Tucker loves being with Blaine and Kameryn. When he went and stayed with Papa John in FL last year Blaine and Kameryn were there with him and they had so much fun together. As soon we got to the cabin Tucker was so excited and played with them non stop.

Jacob, Kameryn, Blaine and Tucker.

This is Victoria Grace. Isn't she beautiful!! This is first time we have got to see her and I fell in love with her instantly. She was the sweetest baby.

Jacob is always ready to play with daddy.

No trip to Maggie Valley is complete without going to Tube World. We had the best time and yes that is Tucker going down the mountain by himself. I was so afraid that he wouldn't do it but got in and down he went.

Jacob even joined in on the fun.


Anonymous said...

I wanna go to Tube World! Looks like y'all had a blast. The boys are absolutely precious. Love ~L

Anonymous said...

As usual all the pictures are great! Sure enjoyed being with you all. Couldn't believe Tucker went down the big hill. He is brave! Love, Love Papa John