Friday, March 13, 2009

Sea World

This is the park that I have been looking forward to since we started planning this trip. I love Sea World more than any other place we have ever been. I went when I was a kid but had never back until now. It was a perfect day and it wasn't extremely crowded. We got to the park around 11 or so and the Shamu show was about to start. We had to practically run to the stadium to get a seat.

This was the end of the show. Tucker was amazed by the whales.

After we did the Shamu show we got to go to a dolphin show. It was really neat. They had a dolphin and bird show which was a lot of fun.

This was probably the best part of the day for me. We got to go to a dolphin lagoon and feed and pet the dolphins. I love dolphins so this was so much fun for me.

Johnny was showing Tucker how to throw the fish into the dolphins mouth. Tucker was a little afraid at first but ended up really enjoying it.

After we fed the dolphins we got to underneath the lagoon and see the dolphins underwater. This was really neat to watch.

This was the best part of the day for Johnny. He loves penguins and could have stayed here all day. We actually stayed in this exhibit the longest.

This was the best part of the day for Tucker. He was actually tall enough to ride the Shamu roller coaster. This little guy has no fear.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Animal Kingdom

The next day we went to Animal Kingdom. Papa John had never been to Animal Kingdom so he came up and spent the day with us. It was really nice to have an extra hand to help with the kiddos. My kids love going to the zoo so this was so exciting for them.

Papa John was very excited to be with the kiddos!

The best part of Animal Kingdom is that we got to on a safari. It was so neat. It really felt like we were in the Africa looking at all the different kinds of animals. We got to see all kinds of wild animals.

The kids favorite animal was the giraffe. We don't have giraffes at our zoo so this was a real treat for all us.

Here the kids are digging for dinosaur bones. They loved this.

Jacob wasn't so sure but he did have fun playing in the rocks.

Here we are standing in front of Mt. Everest. Jacob was taking his afternoon nap.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blizzard 09

Well, they finally got it right. They were predicting lots of snow and we got lots of snow. I think they said last night that downtown DC got 8 inches of snow. Yesterday morning Tucker woke up before 7 which is not normal in this house and came running into our room and said "we have millions of snow, get up, get up!" He was so excited and ready to get out and start sledding. We weren't as excited seeing that it was about 20 degrees, still snowing, and the wind was blowing like crazy. It wasn't a blizzard but at times with the wind it seemed like one. We talked Tucker into watching cartoons in our bed until 8 then he saw his friends already out and we didn't have a choice. He got himself ready and was out the door by 8:30. It was so cold but kids don't care. They were all just enjoying the snow. I was enjoying the warm house and the chocolate pancakes I made.

Tucker loves the snow!

Jacob is actually smiling!

I love the snow but prefer to stay indoors and drink hot chocolate and take naps. That's about all I did yesterday.

Johnny actually had to do some work yesterday so after he got home him and the boys built this beautiful snowman in the dark. I'm so glad we wasted 2 thin mint girl scout cookies for his eyes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Magic Kingdom

Two weeks ago we went to Tampa for a few days to visit with Papa John and Granny Lou and then we headed to Orlando to Walt Disney World. After we made our plans I found out that a family from our church was going to be at Disney at the same time as us. We were so excited! They have 3 kids that are so sweet and love Tucker. We met up with them our first day at Magic Kingdom. The kids had a blast!

Here are Tucker, Ramsey, Halle and Jackson getting ready to ride the go-carts. Tucker was big enough to drive by himself. He was so happy!

Daddy and Jacob went for a fun ride together. I rode with the girls.

The good ole tea cups. I set this ride out.

We had the best time at Magic Kingdom. The kids did great. We had a nice dinner and stayed for the fireworks. We didn't get back to our room until almost 9 that night. We got in bed and rested up for the next day at Animal Kingdom. Hopefully I will get that posted tomorrow.