Thursday, October 1, 2009

James Tristan Hinely

Well, I am back with a new little addition to our family. James Tristan Hinely was born September 23, 2009. Everyone is adjusting and doing great.

He has a good set of lungs!

He was a big boy! 9 pounds 3 ounces 22 inches.

My sweet boys.

Sweet little Tristan!

Tucker wanted a baby sister but as soon as he saw Tristan he said "He is so cute". He loves him so much and wants to hold him all the time.

I was so worried about Jacob's reaction to a new baby but he has done great. He calls him my baby and wants to hold him all the time.
My life right now feels like a circus or maybe a funny farm but we are all adjusting and taking one day at a time. I wake up and just pray to get through the day. I am actually doing great and just try to laugh as much as possible. Laughing really is one of God's greatest gifts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have such a beautiful family!! Can't wait to see more pics. Love you! ~L