Monday, June 25, 2007

4 month check-up

Today was Jacob's 4 month check-up. I can't believe he is already 4 months old. The appointment went really well. He weighs 15lbs 13 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile. I have these tiny babies but they really catch up fast. He is doing great and we don't go back for another 2 months. For those of you who don't know my Dad was in the hospital yesterday and today for chest pains but they ruled out a heart attack and we are just waiting on the results of more tests that they ran on him this afternoon. I just talked to my Mom and they let him go home and hopefully will be able to tell him tomorrow what is going on. Please keep him and my Mom in your prayers.


Holly Dodd said...

Hey girl. Glad that Jacob is doing so great. heard about your dad. We will be praying for him. keep us updated

Anonymous said...

Jacob is so cute. Glad that he is doing so great. He will be walking before you know it. Wish you could come down for the 4th.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jillian, I have been checking your blogs out and your family is so stinking sweet. What's going on w/your dad? Call me. Love you, Laura

Anonymous said...

Pa Pa John finally got to see the pictures. They are great! Tell the guys I said Hi!

Love Pa Pa John