Friday, July 27, 2007


My emergency is that it's 12:30 a.m. and the fire alarm is going off and there is no fire. For those of you that don't know Johnny is in Chicago for a sales conference and my Mom is in town for the weekend. Last night we all went to bed pretty early but only to be woken by the fire alarm around 12:30. The first thing Mom said was I don't smell smoke which was very comforting. I totally panicked and did not know what to do. I called Johnny and he told us to take the batteries out of the alarms to get it to go off. By this time Tucker is screaming and Jacob is still sleeping. The alarm finally stopped but then went off again, and again and again. We got all the batteries out of the alarms and what do you know it keep going off. I did not know what to do so I called 911. The nice lady on the phone had no idea why the alarm was going off and told me the only option would be to have the Fairfax County Fire Department come out to the house and investigate the situation. By this time it is after 1:00 a.m. I am in tears at this point and tell her ok but that I am soo embarrassed to have the fire department come out when there is no fire. She tells me this kind of stuff happens all the time. The fire department arrives very quickly and as they are pulling up to the house they can hear the fire alarm going off. Three fireman come into the house and start to investigate the situation. They can not figure out what is going on. The only option is to disable all the alarms in the house. Tucker is really enjoying all this excitement especially the fire truck in front of the house. Jacob is still sleeping. The fireman come to a conclusion that they have no idea what is going on and tell me to call the electrician to come out and check the wiring. They told us to be careful and get some sleep. Jacob sleeps thru all this and wakes as they are driving away. I can honestly say it is never a dull moment in this household.


Anonymous said...

Its that "Grammy thing". Things like this just follow her around. Once we were in Gatlinburg. We had a leak in bathroom that saturated the carpet, so nice to wake up to. Another time at Big Meadows Lodge the power went off, we almost froze.
I guess you forgot.
Brace yourself, its a long tme till Tuesday,
or just send her on home, I miss her.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Jill.............

Janie and I like to call things like this "making memories"! You and your Mom have made another memory!!!!

Love to all

Aunt Betty

Jenn Cav said...

Wow. I hope things are back to normal around your house now! Gotta be a 2 year old's dream come true to wake up and have a firetruck in his yard! :)