Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Brotherly Love

This morning Tucker was playing with his sticker book and decided that Jacob needed some stickers. Jacob was playing in the floor and Tucker put the stickers on Jacob's face. Jacob didn't seem to mind and just smiled as Tucker put them on him. The older Jacob gets the more fun it is to watch them try to play with each other. Jacob watches every move his big brother makes and Tucker is actually starting to like Jacob. Tucker is still a little too rough with him but we are working on that. Whenever we are about to go somewhere Tucker will say can Jacob go? I truly hope and pray that they grow to love each other and be the best of friends.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos, the older Jacob gets the more he looks like you. Have a great time with the boys,they will be grown before you know it.
Have a great week!
Love Ya,
Aunt Rebecca

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I can't believe how big they are. ~L