Monday, March 31, 2008

The Circus

The Greatest Show on Earth has finally come to town. Last Friday we took the boys to the circus. We have been talking to Tucker about this day for over a month so he was very very excited.

We started our morning off at Panera Bread for a late breakfast. The weather was wonderful so we ate outside then took some pics of the boys playing around. I had to get a shot of them in there matching outfits!

We didn't know this before hand but when we got to the circus they were doing pre-show activities that the kids could enjoy. Tucker learned how to balance himself on a ball, sorta.

Tucker got his own clown nose.

Photo shoot with a very nice clown.

Tucker was ready to get changed into well I don't know what he was thinking.

Tucker's favorite part!! Instead of being a cowboy he tells me he wants to be a "horseyboy".

WOW!! Be careful up there!!

This little guy is nothing but T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

We all had a fun day and can't wait until next year.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Day of School

About a year ago my neighbor turned her basement into a preschool. She has about 10 kids from the ages of 1-5. She called me a few months ago and told me she had an opening for 2 days a week and wondered if I might be interested in letting Tucker come. How could I say no. She is right across the street from us and almost all the kids are Tucker's age. It is only from 9:30-12:30. She wanted him all day but I couldn't really justify paying for him to take a nap. We agreed on a fair neighbor price and he started today. It is actually going to be so helpful because Jacob still takes a morning nap so while he is sleeping and Tucker is gone I can really get some needed housework done. Like today, Jacob went to sleep around 10:30 and I feel asleep around 11 until 12:15. This preschool thing is really going to work out good for all us.

He has been looking forward to this day for a few weeks!

BFF (Best Friends Forever)

Tucker, look back and wave at Mommy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday I took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt at a friends neighborhood. They live in a pretty big community and I think someone said that there were about 80 kids there. In other words I was totally overwhelmed and wished I had stayed home. I don't really mean that but it was hard to manage both boys by myself with all these little kids running EVERYWHERE. Tucker had fun so it was worth it.

Tucker went right up to the bunny and gave him a hug. Jacob thought it would be best to sit this one out.

Tucker got lots of eggs full of different treats.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Honestly, the best picture of all of them together!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mount Vernon

Mom and a very special lady (Ms. Jolly) came to visit us a few weeks ago. We had a very exciting week while they were here. We went out to eat, did some shopping, and the day before they left we went to Mt. Vernon. The weather was amazing so it was a perfect day to be outside.

The Mary's.

The Fam.
Tuckie is always up to something.

Tucker had fun being with his Grammy!

Posing in front of the mansion

The back of the mansion.

This was George Washington's backyard.

This is Patsy and Jacky.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Beau

Monday was Beau's actually birthday but last Friday night we out to celebrate. Kasey found this really neat resturant in Arlington so we met them and some other friends down there for dinner. It was really nice to have dinner with friends and be able to talk and actually enjoy the meal. I love my kiddos but going out has become somewhat of a challenge. Once Jacob is done eating he is ready to get out of the highchair. Ok back to our dinner, so sorry. We had a wonderful time and I must point out that the cake in the picture was made from scratch by me. Ya'll know I am kidding. Kasey made this beautiful cake for Beau and for all of us to enjoy. It was very very yummy. We had great time and I think Beau had a very Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Let's get this party started

Mom got into town so lets get this party started. Since I have two boys close in age I don't really need a thing as far as toys and cloths go. I got this great idea from Kasey to have a book swap for Jacob's birthday. Instead of gifts for him I asked everyone to bring a book and we would have a book swap. We put all the wrapped books in the middle of the floor and the kids took turns picking out a book. It was fun and all the kids got to go home with a new book.

Tucker got a really cute sing a long book and Jacob is trying to take Mary Raines book away from her. I mean he is the birthday boy. Give it up May Ray!

From the looks of it I think the kids had lots of fun.

Jacob's 1st Birthday cake!


More Please!!

Hi Tucker.

Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.