Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome to Amishville, USA

Like I said we had no idea what we were getting into on our "Day Out With Thomas". We turned off the main road and we were in a town with the one of the largest Amish groups in the United States. I was super excited! When I was younger I went with my family to see the Amish in Tennessee and loved it. I was excited for Thomas but I wanted to hurry that up and get back to seeing the Amish. We had to go to the train station first but then I wanted to spend the rest of the day exploring the Amish village. Turns out we stayed at the train station until almost 5 and the kids were exhausted. We decided to let them sleep and we would just drive around and check out the town.

For those of you who don't know this is the town were the school shootings took place about 2 years ago. A non-Amish man who delivered milk to the Amish went in to an all girls school and killed these little girls and then took his own life. I didn't realize this was the town until we got home and I googled "Amish".

I didn't get the memo beforehand that the Amish do NOT like to have their picture taken. I kept telling Johnny that they were not that photogenic. Apparently they think it is a graven image and that it steals their soul or something like that. I felt like the paparazzi.

This was some kind of museum like thing that you could walk around and get info about the Amish. We didn't get to stop because 2 little guys were passed out. I was sad.

Here we go, first of many buggies.

We are on his trail. He turns around to check us out but does not smile or wave.

We caught up with him but he just ignores us.

He turns into his home and when he realizes I am taking pictures he never turned back around. These people had the most beautiful homes. It is obviously something they are very proud of and take really good care of.

As were are driving around I notice this little boy who is actually playing with a little wagon. We pull over because I just couldn't stand not getting a picture of him. He was just so innocent and intriguing. When we pulled over he stopped playing and actually waved at us. Johnny asked if we could take his picture and he started screaming "Please Not, Please Not". I felt really bad but I couldn't leave without a picture of him. Remember I didn't get the memo that they don't like having their picture taken. Here we have been at a Thomas the train event all day in this little boy's town and he has no idea who Thomas the Train is. This culture is so mind blowing to me. I can't wait to go back.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Promise me that we can go visit there when I come see you (someday soon I hope!). Such cool pics - and such sweet boys! ~L

Anonymous said...

Been out of town for a few days and just saw the two new post. That is one place I always wanted to visit. How long did it take to get there from your house. You will have to take me too. Love the pictures. Love PaPa John

Anonymous said...

Can I go? Mom