Thursday, July 17, 2008

I wanna go to the pool.

The kids enjoyed the beach but after just a few minutes all I heard was "I wanna go to the pool". We did the beach everyday but spent most of our time at the pool. Tucker has become quite the little swimmer. He can almost swim without floaties but not yet. He jumps in on his own and swims all over the pool. He is such a natural in the water and I am sooo glad. I don't know if I should be proud or scared but by the end of the week Johnny taught him how to do a front flip into the pool. He is pure Hinely. I really do love that he doesn't have any fear but it does scare me at times.

Tucker was so sick of taking pictures. He was ready for the pool.

Off he goes.

My little swimmer.

Jacob is ready for the pool....

but would rather play on the edge.

Mary Raines was quite the little swimmer. I think she liked the baby pool but she did really good in the big pool.

These two had so much fun playing together.


Holly Dodd said...

Be glad Tucker is doing so well in the water. Emma is terrified!!! She is taking swim lessons this month and has not even gotten off the side of the pool once!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Tucker and Mary Raines look like T-R-O-U-B-L-E together. ~L