Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Short Money Jet Ski

Every year Mr. Hinely brings his jet ski's to the beach for all of us to ride. Sounds fun but it never ever ever ever goes as planned. He has two that he usually brings and only one of them ever works once they get them out into the water. I have so many horror stories about the jet ski's but I won't get in to it. This year Mr. Hinely decided not to bring them so the guys decided to just rent some for the day. There weren't that many options to rent from but the one place that really grabbed our attention was called " Short Money Jet Ski Rentals". The guys called and reserved a jet ski and we were on our way. There motto is that if you are short on money you can always rent from us. Um, ok sounds good to us. I wasn't sure if I should take the boys but of course Johnny had other plans and said "of course Tucker can ride the jet ski". I thought he was a little young to ride but of course Tucker loved it and did just fine. We had a great day and I know Tucker is looking forward to riding again.

Suited up and ready to go.

If he is with his daddy he will do anything.

Yes that's me poking along with Tucker. I didn't go as fast as everyone else.

At least I got him to ride with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daddy's boy much?! He looks so excited. What a cutie pie!! ~L