Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blizzard 09

Well, they finally got it right. They were predicting lots of snow and we got lots of snow. I think they said last night that downtown DC got 8 inches of snow. Yesterday morning Tucker woke up before 7 which is not normal in this house and came running into our room and said "we have millions of snow, get up, get up!" He was so excited and ready to get out and start sledding. We weren't as excited seeing that it was about 20 degrees, still snowing, and the wind was blowing like crazy. It wasn't a blizzard but at times with the wind it seemed like one. We talked Tucker into watching cartoons in our bed until 8 then he saw his friends already out and we didn't have a choice. He got himself ready and was out the door by 8:30. It was so cold but kids don't care. They were all just enjoying the snow. I was enjoying the warm house and the chocolate pancakes I made.

Tucker loves the snow!

Jacob is actually smiling!

I love the snow but prefer to stay indoors and drink hot chocolate and take naps. That's about all I did yesterday.

Johnny actually had to do some work yesterday so after he got home him and the boys built this beautiful snowman in the dark. I'm so glad we wasted 2 thin mint girl scout cookies for his eyes.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha - love that snowman! Looks like the boys had fun. Stay warm!! Love y'all ~L

Anonymous said...

Looking at the pictures you did get millions of snow. I can tell Tucker loves the snow. Thanks for the pictures. Love, Papa John