Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine's Party/Date Night

This is Brianna. She was born right after Jacob.

This is Ms. Audrey. She is a cutie!

Here we have Luke, Jacob, MayRay, and Tuckie

Here is Mr. Ty Barrett. He is full of energy!!

Mary Raines enjoyed the company but was fine just reading to herself.

This past Friday Kasey had our play group over for a Valentine's Day party. She made a very yummy breakfast cassorole and garlic grits. Sounds wierd but very very good. We a great meal and the kids really enjoyed playing together. All the Moms were told to bring there kids favorite treat so we brought Valentine chocolate chip cookies. Kasey had bags that the kids got to decorate with there favorite stickers and then they got to pick out all the different treats to put into there bags. We had a really fun day and are so thankful for these days with good friends.

After the party we got home and the boys took a nap while I got ready for date night with my Valentine. A girl from church came over to watch the boys while we went to Ruth's Chris for dinner. The resturant was located in Arlington on the 11th floor of a corporate building. We had a great view of DC and the Reagan airport. It was very romantic!! We had a wonderful time just being together for a couple of hours. The boys did fine without us even little Jacob. Saturday was an even more exciting day but I will save that for later. Have a great Monday. It is 64 degrees here today and we are heading outside.


Anonymous said...

Love how often you post pictures.
Makes me feel like I"m keeping up with the kids. They look great.

Anonymous said...

The above is a PaPa John post.