Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Day of School

About a year ago my neighbor turned her basement into a preschool. She has about 10 kids from the ages of 1-5. She called me a few months ago and told me she had an opening for 2 days a week and wondered if I might be interested in letting Tucker come. How could I say no. She is right across the street from us and almost all the kids are Tucker's age. It is only from 9:30-12:30. She wanted him all day but I couldn't really justify paying for him to take a nap. We agreed on a fair neighbor price and he started today. It is actually going to be so helpful because Jacob still takes a morning nap so while he is sleeping and Tucker is gone I can really get some needed housework done. Like today, Jacob went to sleep around 10:30 and I feel asleep around 11 until 12:15. This preschool thing is really going to work out good for all us.

He has been looking forward to this day for a few weeks!

BFF (Best Friends Forever)

Tucker, look back and wave at Mommy.


Anonymous said...

That is really great thing for him to be able to do. I have never heard of something like that. But it will be so good for him. Tell him I am proud of him. Love PaPa John

Holly Dodd said...

Yay Tucker!!! What a big boy! I am so proud of him (and of you)! Enjoy the break!

Holly Dodd said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome! Fun for you and Tucker! ~L