Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Tucker

Today is Tucker's 4th birthday! It is so hard to believe that he was born 4 years ago. We had Tucker's birthday party on Friday and have been celebrating all weekend. We had lots of friends from church and from our neighborhood come over for the day.

We started the party off with hot dogs and chips.

Look who showed up just for Tucker! All I can say is if you ask them, they will come.

Johnny got to start the engine and turn on the lights!

The fireman said that a lot of woman drive the trucks. I have a had time driving my SUV!

Tucker was really excited that a firetruck full of fireman came to his party but he was more interested in the moon bounce.

The kids were more into the moon bounce than the firetruck. I think the adults had more fun hanging out in the fire truck

Tucker had to get into costume before eating his Spider man cake.

Pinata time!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures. Looks like Tucker had a great birthday! Can't believe you got that fire truck to come to the house. Happy Birthday! Love, Papa John