Friday, February 22, 2008

Birthday Fun

Since my Mom is coming up here next week we decided to wait for her and have Jacob's birthday party when she gets here. So, for Jacob's actually birthday we went to our favorite place for lunch, Chick-fil-A of course. They have the best play area around so both boys have a blast. They have a specific area that is just right for Jacob.

Jacob loved playing on the baby slide.

Tucker had to be where all the action was.

My new favorite picture of Jacob.

After lunch we headed over to our favorite ice cream shop Cold Stone Creamery. Tucker will eat ice cream any time of the year.

From the looks of it so will Jacob!

After the ice cream party we took Jacob to the toy store to pick out something for his birthday and he went right to this. We took it home for him and course Tucker took it away from him and played with it all night. We had a really fun day with the boys and look forward to partying with our friends and family next week.


Holly Dodd said...

I love your new favorite picture. Your kids make good pictures every time. I'm sure it's hard to pick a favorite! Glad ya'll had a fun time!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they had a great time. Jacob looks like he is getting big. Hes going to catch up with big brother. Thanks for all the great pictures. Love PaPa John