Friday, October 31, 2008

Open House

About 3 weeks ago our local fire station was having an open house. My boys are obsessed with big trucks especially fire trucks so they were very excited to go to the fire station. Kasey was sick and Beau was working so we had Mary Raines for the day to make it even more fun for the boys. I was planning on taking the kids but I was getting ready to have about 25 people from church over to my house and just ran out of time. Who saves the day? DADDY!!! Johnny got home from work early and took all 3 kids to the open house. I was a little nervous that he might have some trouble with 3 little wild kids but of course they were great and had a blast!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It Was Fun

It was fun and went by tooo fast. This morning when Tucker woke up he told me he missed Grammy and Pop. Well, so do I. We had a great time and look forward to more visits from Grammy and Pop. We had fun at the truck show and had lots of good food but most of all it was just nice to be together. I feel so blessed to have such good parents.

Tucker and Jacob loved getting horsey rides from Pop.

For some odd reason Jacob loved wearing Grammy's socks. He was obsessed with them. Every night when she would put them on he would pull them off and wear them. I don't know!

We took Grammy and Pop downtown to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing which is the place where they make money. It was really neat to see the process of how they print all the money. After that we went to the Air and Space Museum. Along the way there was a carousel and that was the only picture taken the entire day.

The boys were very excited to go to the train station and wait with Grammy and Pop. They were so excited to see all the trains coming and going.
Here comes Grammy and Pop's train.

All Aboard!

See ya later! It was fun!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Monster Truck Show

Whenever you mention something to Tucker he is not going to forgot it especially if it involves trucks. We have had this planned for about 3 months and how great the weekend of the truck show Mom and Dad are going to be here. I knew they would be thrilled to go, sorta and I couldn't tell Tucker we couldn't go so last Friday night we headed out to Old Dominion Speedway for a little Monster Truck Action. I'm sure you can sense some sarcasm but we actually had a good time and I think Mom and Dad did too!

Wow, look how big. This is Big Tamale.

This was Jacob's expression the entire night. I like the rebel flag in the background.

Just another night with the Grammy at the Monster Truck Show.

Tucker was trying to stand like the driver. The name of this truck was "Brutus". Very fitting.

Tucker sure did have fun with his Pop.

My Boys!

Time for the show!

Wow, look at the "Avenger"! Crazy stuff.

Mom is thinking, we came 19 hours on a train for this!

4 tickets to Monster Truck show: 80.00
Sweatshirt with hood for Dad's cold head: 20.00
Popcorn and Drinks: 8.00
The look on Tucker's face all night: PRICELESS

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Times

Well, they have come and gone. They arrived last Friday morning via Amtrak train and left Tuesday night. I can't believe how quick the weekend went by. We had so much fun and the boys had a blast. First thing on the agenda was birthday celebrations. I'm sure they were ready for showers but Tucker was so excited to give Mom her card and gift.

Grammy, May the Force be with you on your birthday!

Every girl needs a little "Tiffany's" in their life.

After birthday celebrations and showers we took the boys to a place called Pumpkin land. The website looked really cute but I must say a little deceiving. The kids loved it but the adults thought it was overpriced and sorta lame. Jacob enjoyed the monster truck. He had no idea what was in store for the evening. That post will be for tomorrow.

This little guy is always up to something.

Tucker enjoyed getting a ride from Pop and Daddy.

Tucker loved the tree swing.

Jacob had fun climbing up the pirate ship ladder.

They got to see a real Cherokee Indian and go inside a real ti pee. Don't be fooled, the Indian was a lady with dark hair and braids. I guess she was an Indian!

You can always count on some slides at a pumpkin patch.

And last a good ole hay ride. After pumpkin land we went to dinner and the best is yet to come....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mom's 60th birthday! For the past few months I have been thinking of something special to do for my mom and when she told me that her and my Dad wanted to come up here sometime in the fall I suggested they come for her birthday. They took us up on the offer and they are on there way up here as we speak. They weren't up for the drive and my dad really doesn't like to fly so they are taking the train from Tuscaloosa AL to Alexandria VA. Johnny and I have taken a few train rides and really enjoyed it so hopefully they will enjoy it as much as we did.
The train is suppose to arrive tomorrow morning around 10. We plan on doing alot of fun things with them and eating some good food. I am so excited that I get to be with my mom on her birthday weekend. My mom is my best friend and I miss her so much. I am so happy that we are going to have this special time together. The boys can't wait to see her and my dad. Tucker has asked me every morning if this is the day to get Grammy and Pop. I will have plenty of pictures to post next week. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Last week we took the boys and Tucker's best friend Race to our local pumpkin patch. They have a great selection of pumpkins and many fun activities for the kids to do. We got two big pumpkins to carve and about 6 or 7 baby pumpkins for the kids to play with.

The boys were so excited to go to the pumpkin patch.

Tucker with his long lost twin Race.

They loved climbing on the pumpins.

They loved picking out the baby pumpkins.

Ready to go.

Getting a fun ride from Daddy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boys will be boys!

Last week Jacob was playing outside on the play set and was climbing up the ladder and fell off the ladder, I think. I was on the deck grilling out and wasn't exactly paying attention but I am pretty certain he fell off the ladder. He was crying pretty bad and when I went to get him I noticed he was limping. I investigated the situation and his leg/ankle was not broken but he was really upset and did not want to put any weight on his right leg. It took him about 30 minutes to calm down then he was fine but still limping. I was worried but not enough to rush him to the ER. I gave him some Tylenol and put him to bed. He slept all night and seemed fine the next morning. He was still limping but didn't act like he was in any pain. I let my neighbors look at him and they all thought it was probably sprained. I let it go all day and finally at 5:30 that night I rushed him to the DR. They did an exam and weren't concerned but did think an X-Ray was necessary to be safe. Great! This should be easy for a 19 month old to lay still for an X-Ray. He actually did great and everything looked great from the X-Ray. It was just a silly sprain and he was fine after a couple of days and a good ole Ace bandage. Boys will be Boys!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome to Cox Farm

It's that time of year again! We headed back to Cox Farms this weekend and once again we had a blast. The kids loved it and Jacob could actually enjoy everything. It wasn't that crowded so the kids got to really enjoy themselves.

Jacob is ready to go thru the straw tunnels.

Tucker was so protective of Jacob. He helped him thru the tunnels and watched after him all day. It was so sweet but Jacob was annoyed!

Getting ready to ride the slides. Johnny went up with them at first but then they were going up by themselves and going down together.

No Fear!

Johnny just pushed him down and he loved it. I was a little scared but he did great!

Photo Shoot!

Goat Village. Got a little out of control.

It actually took Jacob a few minutes to warm up to this guy.

Checking out the corn on the corn maze.

Fam Jam

This was the Fairyland Castle slide. They pretty much had this slide to themselves.

Watching his bro come down the slide.

Great Photo Skills.

We saved the best for last. And yes, Jacob went down on his own potato sack.

What a great day! We made some great memories and look forward to going back real soon. I love this time of year. It just makes me so happy.