Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Times

Well, they have come and gone. They arrived last Friday morning via Amtrak train and left Tuesday night. I can't believe how quick the weekend went by. We had so much fun and the boys had a blast. First thing on the agenda was birthday celebrations. I'm sure they were ready for showers but Tucker was so excited to give Mom her card and gift.

Grammy, May the Force be with you on your birthday!

Every girl needs a little "Tiffany's" in their life.

After birthday celebrations and showers we took the boys to a place called Pumpkin land. The website looked really cute but I must say a little deceiving. The kids loved it but the adults thought it was overpriced and sorta lame. Jacob enjoyed the monster truck. He had no idea what was in store for the evening. That post will be for tomorrow.

This little guy is always up to something.

Tucker enjoyed getting a ride from Pop and Daddy.

Tucker loved the tree swing.

Jacob had fun climbing up the pirate ship ladder.

They got to see a real Cherokee Indian and go inside a real ti pee. Don't be fooled, the Indian was a lady with dark hair and braids. I guess she was an Indian!

You can always count on some slides at a pumpkin patch.

And last a good ole hay ride. After pumpkin land we went to dinner and the best is yet to come....


Anonymous said...

What sweet memories for the boys. Sounds like your mom and dad had a great trip. Hope they have a safe trip home. Can't wait to see the next post. Miss you and love you! ~L

Anonymous said...

Great Pics! I know you guys had a wonderful time together.

Love you

Aunt B