Thursday, October 30, 2008

It Was Fun

It was fun and went by tooo fast. This morning when Tucker woke up he told me he missed Grammy and Pop. Well, so do I. We had a great time and look forward to more visits from Grammy and Pop. We had fun at the truck show and had lots of good food but most of all it was just nice to be together. I feel so blessed to have such good parents.

Tucker and Jacob loved getting horsey rides from Pop.

For some odd reason Jacob loved wearing Grammy's socks. He was obsessed with them. Every night when she would put them on he would pull them off and wear them. I don't know!

We took Grammy and Pop downtown to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing which is the place where they make money. It was really neat to see the process of how they print all the money. After that we went to the Air and Space Museum. Along the way there was a carousel and that was the only picture taken the entire day.

The boys were very excited to go to the train station and wait with Grammy and Pop. They were so excited to see all the trains coming and going.
Here comes Grammy and Pop's train.

All Aboard!

See ya later! It was fun!!


Anonymous said...


Great Post! The pics are so good and I know that you loved having your Mom & Dad there!

Hurry home before the boys grow up!

Aunt B

Anonymous said...

Awwww! I love the pink socks on Jacob :)! Very cute pictures. I think your parents are awesome too. Love you ~L