Friday, October 31, 2008

Open House

About 3 weeks ago our local fire station was having an open house. My boys are obsessed with big trucks especially fire trucks so they were very excited to go to the fire station. Kasey was sick and Beau was working so we had Mary Raines for the day to make it even more fun for the boys. I was planning on taking the kids but I was getting ready to have about 25 people from church over to my house and just ran out of time. Who saves the day? DADDY!!! Johnny got home from work early and took all 3 kids to the open house. I was a little nervous that he might have some trouble with 3 little wild kids but of course they were great and had a blast!


Anonymous said...

Wow - what fun for them! I love the big jacket on Tucker! That's so neat they let them all hold the fire hose. ~L

KELLI said...

These pictures are so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Almost missed these pictures. They are so good. Love Papa John